Complete Medical Solutions

Case Studies

This athlete used blood testing to help understand why she couldn’t lose weight or sleep well while training for an Iron distance triathlon.

In preparation for an Iron distance triathlon (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, 26.2-mile run), triathlete Danita spent 15-20 hours a week getting ready for her event. Her daily calorie burn rate was 3,500 – 3,900 calories and her diet consisted of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins (50% carbs, 25% fat, 25% protein). While she built her endurance, she remained frustrated with her percentage of body fat, night sweats, and inability to sleep even with this weekly training volume.

After going through the Complete Med Solutions program, the blood analysis revealed that her body was no longer producing adequate amounts of estrogen and progesterone due to the onset of menopause. A common and well-known consequence of low estrogen levels a slowed down metabolism leading to weight gain, as well as  the increased fragility of bones seen in post-menopausal women, leading to osteoporosis. Estrogen is known to work in conjunction with calcium, vitamin D, and other minerals to keep bones strong, and without it, bones become brittle and tend to fracture more easily.

After consulting with the Complete Med Solutions team, it was decided that her training volume needed to be adjusted to put less stress on her body. This meant decreasing her high-intensity activities by 5% and adding more strength training to her program. In addition, InsideTracker’s nutritionists recommended adding foods that contain vitamin B6 to help boost estrogen and progesterone and maintain the estrogen-progesterone balance in the body. Some foods rich in vitamin B6 include turmeric, walnuts, chickpeas, quinoa, whole grains, cherries, and wild yams. They also recommended supplementing with the herb Black Cohosh to help alleviate nightly hot flashes.

After following the recommendations of Complete Med Solutions and InsideTracker, Danita’s strength to weight percentages increased, she lost 3% body fat and increased lean muscle mass by 7%, her night sweats decreased, and she started sleeping better. In a subsequent blood re-test three months later, the analysis showed that her estrogen and progesterone levels had improved slightly, and she went on to complete her first long distance triathlon successfully.

This Vet motocross rider used blood testing to optimize his performance on the track.

John purchased the Complete Med Solutions program because he was frustrated with lack of energy and drive during key races. He felt foggy and wasn’t getting the most out of his workouts and performances. John is a successful pilot, father of two, and husband with an incredibly busy schedule. The Complete Med Solutions team discussed addressing the issues that he could control.

His InsideTracker blood analysis showed that his vitamin D levels were decreased, but still within “normal range according to his regular physician. Vitamin D plays many essential roles in the body, especially regarding athletic performance. For starters, the vitamin increases muscle mass and strength, improves bone health (along with calcium), increases the size and number of the muscle fibers used for short bursts of speed and power, and improves lower body strength.  Furthermore, adequate vitamin D can reduce inflammation in the body, specifically the inflammatory marker CRP. Low vitamin D levels can also lead to decreased testosterone, especially in men. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone produced in both men and women that helps increase bone strength and stimulates muscle mass and strength.

By adding vitamins D, B, complex vitamins, magnesium, and Tongkat Ali, John noticed an increase in his sex drive and mental clarity. Shortly after his personal one-on-one consultation, he got sick with Covid, but described it as a “nonevent.” He felt completely functional. He noticed his sleep was more restful, and he was waking up less throughout the night. He also started logging his food intake and noticed he was incredibly deficient on protein. With InsideTracker’s food recommendations, he was able to introduce a wide variety of proteins to further help his energy level and sport performance.

Improve your performance through the optimization of your biomarker levels


Improving your performance has never been this easy. The same kind of test used by elite athletes is finally accessible to all, giving you insights on how to improve your performance through the optimization of your biomarker levels.

What’s Included

  • Personalized lab order completed within two weeks
  • Integration with Coach Robb Wellness & Performance Programs
  • One-on-One consultation to discuss blood analysis results (not included with any other blood evaluation provider service)
  • 1-Year subscription to InsideTracker

This Professional GNCC Racer uses blood testing to overcome fatigue during a long season of racing 3+ hour enduros.

Mark is a professional GNCC athlete that races for over three hours week after week. He has had long-standing issues of finishing a season strong physically and complained of burnout, fatigue, and being unable to feel strong at the end of his races. After much frustration over two seasons, Mark analyzed his bloodwork with Complete Med Solutions and InsideTracker to learn more about his body before beginning another training cycle. His blood showed that he was deficient in vitamin B and that he needed to address his electrolyte intake.

It is extremely important for endurance athletes, such as Mark, to get enough electrolytes during training and racing. Because electrolytes have so many different roles within the body, an imbalance normally causes noticeable changes in how you feel pretty quickly. These can include muscle weakness, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and dizziness. Additionally, symptoms of vitamin B deficiencies can range from fatigue and confusion to anemia or a compromised immune system.

After his one-on-one personal consultation, we introduced Coach Robb’s premium energy drink, Energy Fuel Plus, which is specifically designed for 3+ hours of racing with added sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium (all important electrolytes). Using the InsideTracker app, Mark’s blood analysis provided food recommendations rich in vitamin B to add to his diet. These included salmon, spinach, eggs, beef, legumes, and sunflower seeds.

After implementing these changes, Mark has reported that he is feeling stronger and more consistent through his workouts and races.

This Professional AMA Pro Supercross racer used blood training to overcome fatigue and a dig out of a performance rut.

Robert is an AMA Pro Supercross racer that reported feeling constantly fatigued and unable to finish is workouts over a long season of racing. He also felt sluggish on and off the bike. After testing with Complete Med Solutions, he discovered that his testosterone was low and that he had a severe vitamin D deficiency, despite being outside daily during his training.

As the main sex hormone for males, testosterone fuels facial and body hair growth, sex drive, and sperm production. Testosterone also plays a key role in building muscle and boosting red blood cell count. The more red blood cells and athlete has, the more oxygen they can carry to the working muscles and the longer the athlete can push the pace. According to endocrinologist John Morley, M.D., a low testosterone expert at St. Louis University of Medicine, studies have shown that low testosterone comes as a consequence of overtraining. Other signs of overtraining include trouble sleeping and the same types of fatigue and performance declines that can occur as a result of low testosterone, making it difficult to untangle cause from effect.

Using recommendations from InsideTracker, we changed his diet to reduce inflammation and naturally boost his testosterone. We also started him on a vitamin D supplement, and within weeks he felt stronger, more focused, and his energy has returned. We are continuing to monitor his diet and track his food intake and he is quickly learning what food sensitivities he may have and adjusting his plan using the InsideTracker app.